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- Welcome to Swansea Primary School
- From Anna's Desk
- K/P/1
- 2/3
- 4/5/6
- Swansea Primary School Association AGM & General Meeting
- Free Dress Day
- Little Athletics Tasmania Visit
- Athletics Carnival
- Easter Raffle
- Auskick Bicheno Cray's Information
- Auskick & Triabunna Junior Football Club Information
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight
- Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Brixhibition Kids Comp 2025
Dear parents, families, students and community members,
A big well done to all of our students taking part in NAPLAN. Students have completed the Reading and Writing NAPLAN tests this week, and will complete the Language Conventions and Numeracy tests next week. I have been proud of the dedication and committment that students have shown when completing the tests and all students have tried their best.
East Coast Cluster Partnerships
Last week, students travelled to Triabunna District School to participate in a Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Community Outreach Program. Prep - Gr 6 students joined in with Triabunna's primary school to watch the performance. Building partnerships with our local high school is incredibly important and we also enjoyed playing in the playground with Triabunna's students after the performance.
Celebrating Student Success
Congratulations to Elora and Carlix, who both took out different categories at Bicheno Surf Lifesaving Club's Championship Day. Elora took out the Under 10 girls age group championship award, and Carlix won the Under 8 boys age group championship award. Surf lifesaving is such an important life skill living on the coast, well done to both of you!
Our first whole class excursion to Oatlands Aquatic Centre was a great success and lovely taster for the Swimming and Water Safety program KP1 students will participate in during Term 4.
While the rest of the school have been busy focussing on NAPLAN, the Kinder students have started their Health Checks with Nurse Anna and Language Screening assessments with Miss Pearce.
Other photo highlights this week include the celebration of a Daily Fitness award, remnants of the biggest cubby/hotel we have seen in our classroom, some fantastic number-based problem solving and a new way to enjoy our Healthy Snack break time!
So many moments of courage, creativity, confidence and joy!

Well, haven't we squeezed a lot into two weeks?! Athletics activities with Ben from Little Athletics Tasmania, Swimming and Water Safety Program, musical delights with the TSO, seed harvesting in the garden, the list goes on!
We have spent time this fortnight preparing for our NAPLAN testing. With the writing and reading components behind us, I honestly couldn't be more proud of our grade 3's. They have been challenged through both revision and new learning, and have tackled these with courage and determination. 2 down, 2 to go next week!
We hope to see our families join us next week for our annual Swan vs Oyster athletics carnival. We've been training hard in PE lessons and can't wait to show you our skills!
Mrs Sparshott

Lots of extra-curricular fun has been happening for Grade 4/5/6 over the last couple of weeks! We’ve been swimming both locally in Swansea and then we even had the opportunity to visit the amazing aquatic centre in Oatlands where the Grade 4’s and 5’s were tested on their water safety skills. Little Athletics Tasmania spent time with our students, teaching us new skills and then they provided us with lots of fun games to try out our newly learnt skills. We’ve had plenty of time travelling on buses to different activities and one of our favourite events was visiting Triabunna to listen to The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. This week the Grade 5’s began their NAPLAN testing as well. Overall its been an extremely busy couple of weeks.

Little Athletics Tasmania Visit
On Thursday the 6th of March, we received a visit from Little Athletics Tasmania representative, Ben. Ben spent a session with each class, helping children to build running, jumping and throwing skills in a games-based environment. Everyone had a blast and we are now looking forward to our Swan vs Oyster carnival next week. Please see the timetable in the Athletics Carnival section of this newsletter.
Yours in running, jumping and having fun,
Mrs Sparshott

Australian stargazers are set to glimpse a partial lunar eclipse.
It will follow a total lunar eclipse in the Western Hemisphere, affecting North and South America. It will feature a spectacular 66 minutes where the moon will appear blood-orange in colour. The best time to view the partial lunar eclipse in Australia is between 7.15pm and 9pm on March 14.