This week, class teachers have participated in a full day of professional learning with Gavin Grift, exploring how to implement sustained school imporvement by improving teacher quality and student outcomes. The day was long and exhausting, yet, highly valued and gave staff the opportunity to examine the work of professional learning communities (PLC's) through the school improvement lens.
Discussions around classes for 2021 has also been part of professional conversations at SPS and we have begun planning for next year. Our Kinder enrolments for 2021 are now open. If you know of any potential enrolments in the wider community please encourage them to pop in or contact the school for more information.
With 4 weeks of learning left this term and end of year celebrations on the horizon, we are looking forward to hearing suggestions from you for a new look, end of the year gathering. Given the year we have had, and how lucky we are, we want to end the year with a celebration (a decision which is still in the hands of Public Health). Whilst maintaining physical distancing and effective hygiene measures in large gatherings is challenging, we value your suggestions and hope that we can come together to celebrate our year of learning albeit how different it has been in 2020. If you have any ideas in mind or some time to help with organising an event, please pop in and see us or email through your suggestions.
Please save the date for some important events on our calendar:
Pre-Kinder (Tuesday's) 11am-12:30pm: 27th October; 3rd November; 10th November; 17th November and 24th November.
Term 3 Week 10 Assembly - Wednesday 23rd September, 2pm (Bookings essential - try booking -
Or please join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 879 915 1693
Passcode: sps2020
Launching Into Learning Party: Tuesday 1st Decemeber, 9am-10:30am.
Grade 6 Farewell Dinner (Grade 6 students and parents only), Thursday 3rd December, @ Secret Location (TBC) from 5pm.
Celebration Assembly: Monday 14th December, 11am-12:30pm (Bookings essential - more details to follow).
Kristy Hay