The past few weeks have seen many professional conversations between staff including communicating learning progress with families and parent teacher interviews, the new online reporting format beginning in 2022, staff Professional Development Planning (PDP's) and our upcoming Student Led Conferences (SLC's) to be held in Week 9. SLC's are an opporunity for parents/carers/special guests to come in and learn from students about the growth they have made so far this year and their aspirational goals for the remainder of the year. This week, teachers have met to discuss new learning opportunities on the horizon and have shown courage when provided with feedback regarding the work they have been doing in the area of Mathematics. We have seen huge growth within the school and the data is both exciting and invigorating! This fortnight, in Art, all students entered the Young Archies Competition and some students in the 4/5/6 participated in the Australian Maths Competition. We wish all of our entrants, every success and thank them for representing Swansea Primary School.
Coming together with the East Coast Cluster for our Mini Olympics yesterday at Triabunna District High School was a highlight of the fortnight and one I am sure was the hot topic of conversation last night amongst a very tired bunch of kids. I am proud of the way our students demonstrated our values of Aspiration, Growth, Courage and Respect throughout the day!
We are looking forward to welcoming our Dads and/or special guests to a Fathers’ Breakfast onsite at 8am on Friday 3rd September and hope to see a great turn out.
Our next School Association meeting has been scheduled for Monday 23rd August from 3:15-4:45pm in the Reading Room and you are all welcome to attend.
Enjoy your weekend!
Kristy Hay