What a year to be the Principal of such a wonderful school. 100 years in the making and 200 years of Swansea township. We were excited to begin the year with the capacity to run four classes, a Kindergarten in the cottage, Prep/1, 2/3 and a 456.
This year, we saw the addition of Swansea Primary School bags, leggings and a new style pair of shorts for our students. We have installed the much anticipated Bike and Scooter Track and new flagpoles and fencing at the front of the school. Please note, the rules for the track, fencing and surveillance will be installed over the holidays.
Our curriculum priority for 2021 has been on developing student’s mathematical thinking skills and understanding of the number system. Data has shown our efforts in developing teacher proficiency in delivery the mathematics curriculum with an obvious spike in our results across the school.
100% of students said they feel more confident in Maths lessons and were positive about their ability, performance and developed mental computation strategies which is excellent. All staff too, identified that they felt more confident teaching maths and by focusing on hands on, fun and engaging lessons helped them to focus on explicitly teaching mathematical vocabulary to improve overall performance.
This year we saw a snap lockdown and the continuation of COVID safe provisions across the school. We felt better prepared for online learning (for if and when it occurred) and reintroduced the digital technologies curriculum during our Sustainable Learning Program to maintain the rapid rate of digital literacy we experienced in 2020.
This year, students from 3-6 were able to participate in the SPSSA Swimming Carnival and our Squad training with our resident SBM and Aus Swim instructor Melissa was a huge success. Thank you for your time and contribution to our swimming program Melissa and to Camilla and Andrew – the resident doctors for allowing us to use their pool.
This year we welcomed the Royal Flying Doctors Dental Van onsite for two weeks, completed NAPLAN, worked intentionally as part of the East Coast Cluster, conducted professional learning with Triabunna and Orford schools, we saw the closure of the Tasman Highway and all the disruptions it caused and built upon our sense of community by hosting an East Coast Colour Run at Spring Bay Mill and an East Coast Cluster Olympics held at Triabunna District School. What an eventful year it has been and a whirlwind of fun, learning and memories to treasure for the next century.
Thank you to those families who are leaving SPS this year after many years including the Mellings, Pyke/Elmer, Menzies and Whelan/Ford families. It has been wonderful to have you as part of the SPS community.
Thank you for your support of Swansea Primary School in 2021.
Happy Holidays!
Kristy Hay