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- From Kristy's Desk
- Passport to Learning
- Kinder/Prep
- 1/2 Class
- 3/4 Class
- 5/6
- Grade 6 Leaders Out and About in Swansea
- Whole School Assembly Friday 30th June 9.15am
- Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country Tuesday 27 June - entries close at noon, Wednesday 22 June
- RFDS Dental Visit at Swansea Primary School from 24th July
- Frida's Sip n' Paint is coming to Swansea! Thursday 6th July 2023 6pm!
- The Great Swansea Art Auction - Friday 4th August 6pm
- Book Week Parade 23rd August
- SPSSA Cross Country
- Respectful Schools
- Welcome to your child's Tasmanian education
- NAIDOC Week 2-9 July 2023
- Tasmanian Premier's Reading Challenge
- Help Tassie Mums collect coats for children!
- Pop Up Winter Book Stall
- COVID-19 Risk level - Tasmanian Department of Health
- Start to Talk Campaign
- Sparklers Dance Troupe
- What's in Your Lunchbox
- Juice is not the same
- Triabunna District School Association News
- RediCommunities
- Bicheno Beams
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are being held next week from Monday 26th June to Friday 30th June. These conversations are an opportunity for you to learn about your child’s growth, work habits and how your partnership in their learning journey can support your child to flourish. A link will be sent shortly for you to book in.
When reporting an absence via the sZapp App, please let us know of the condition your child is suffering e.g. conjunctivitis, school sores, gastro, headlice as these are communicable and have stipulations around returning to school to prevent further spread. For example, if your child has an upset tummy or gastro, they need to remain at home 48 hours after they have vomited or used their bowels. I know this can be inconvenient, especially when they appear well, however the risk of contracting it from those students or passing it onto others is significantly reduced.
On Wednesday 7 June, students from Grades 3-6, and a small number of very courageous Grade 2 students, participated in the SPSSA Div C Cross Country Carnival at Bayview Secondary College. Our students achieved some great results both individually and in the team events. They can be very proud of their efforts and represented the school beautifully. Congratulations, to all of our courageous athletes.
End of Term Assembly
I am looking forward to our End of Term Assembly to be held on Friday 30th June at 9:15am and I welcome you to join us to help celebrate some of the wonderful learning and achievements of our students. As always, we will make contact with families of students that are being recognised in this assembly, so you have the opportunity to attend and share in your child’s success.
Have a great fortnight!
Kristy Hay
Grade 3/4 Maths
There's been some fabulous maths happening in grade 3/4 this week. We have been working on dividing one whole into tenths while also delveloping our accurate measuring skills. We have also been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10 using concrete materials and games.
Grade 3/4 are also continuing to practise times tables in our homework and class maths lessons. This week we have used popits to create arrays and understand the relationship between multiplication and division.
For example:
24 divided by 3 = 8
24 divided by 8= 3

Sizzling Starts
Grade 5/6
Deep within the jungle, where light is banished, and the air is thick with freshness was a cave, the cave of the jungle. I live in the cave of the jungle and my name is Julien. by Chloe
He touched my hand, sending shivers down my back. Was this love? Am I in love? With Sigoh the weird kid from maths class? What is wrong with me?! Suppose he has slick black hair. And beautiful brown eyes. By Emily
One sunny morning a girl named Hattie woke up on her boat. The waves sitting calmly on the smooth water. She went up into the front deck, breathing in the cool air. by Hattie
Crash! I felt a shove on the back of my seat. I started sweating, Mum screaming, my legs have gone numb, sirens and people rushing around the car, horns beeping and then black. By Ivy
Little yellow minions wearing blue overalls with goggles. “Hello everybody “said a weird small voice. I have come to rob you. “Then a split second after, he said that millions of small little yellow creatures started to smash and crash and destroyed each and every bit of the ship. By Georgia
Grade 6 Leaders Out and About in Swansea

Grade 6 Leaders had a wonderful time helping sort mail at the Swansea Post Office, they even found a nice pink parcel for Melissa and couldn't wait to get back to school to let her know most likely more clothes had arrived!
Then onto Bendigo Bank to talk everything finance and learn great financial information moving forward.
Once finished official business was discussed at our meeting place the Saltshaker.
Whole School Assembly Friday 30th June 9.15am
Swansea Primary School Assembly
Friday 30th June 9.15am
Swansea Primary School will be having a whole school assembly on Friday 30th June at 9.15am in the Swan Hall.
All families and volunteers are welcome.
Families that are unable to attend please see the link below.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 447 856 686 989
Passcode: LUGD6B
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+61 3 6169 5130,,94478301# Australia, Hobart
Phone Conference ID: 944 783 01#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
Kind Regards
Mrs Kristy Hay
Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country Tuesday 27 June - entries close at noon, Wednesday 22 June
Symmons Plains Cross Country |
Dear Families Your child is interested in participating in the State Cross Country Carnival held at Symmons Plains on Tuesday the 27st of June. Swansea will not be entering a team in this carnival and parents will be responsible for registering, transporting, and accompanying their child on the day. If your child is attending the carnival, please register them as an individual online at: The entry fee is $20 per child and entries close on Wednesday the 22nd of June. On the day, please report to the official shed to receive your child’s entry number that they will require for their race. Please let the school know if your child is participating in this event and will be absent from school on this day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I wish your child all the best in the State Cross Country Carnival and look forward to hearing about their experience! Regards, |
RFDS Dental Visit at Swansea Primary School from 24th July
14th June 2023
Dear Families,
RFDS Mobile Dental Van will be visiting Swansea Primary School arriving on the Monday 24th July for a period of approximately two weeks.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Tasmania is pleased to deliver free Commonwealth Government funded Dental Care Program at schools in regional and remote areas of Tasmania.
Your child is invited to take part in a free dental program. Includes: dental check-up, oral hygiene, fluoride varnish, fissure sealants and fillings as required.
To enable your child to use this service please fill out the form below and return to the front office. You can alternatively collect a hard copy of the form from the front office.
Grades 3-6 had a fantastic day at the SPSSA Cross Country last week. The weather was kind and the competitors were excited!
Every SPS competitor gave their best efforts and our school came away with great results. In addition to some wonderful individual achievements, we also had some great team results:
3rd in grade 3 girls
3rd in grade 4 boys
2nd in grade 5 girls
Congratulations to all our competitors and best of luck to our representatives attending the Symmons Plains cross country on 27th June.

Help Tassie Mums collect coats for children!
Tassie Mums is a great local charity based in Kingston. They have been providing clothing and other essential items to Tasmanian babies and children in need for more than seven years.
In 2022, Tassie Mums helped 1,545 children and babies! The charity works closely with local social service organisations, including supporting one child each week through DECYP social workers and supporting families and children through our Child and Family Learning Centres. They provide essential items to families most in need, including:
- clothing
- books
- toys
- toiletries
- prams
- car seats
and much more.
This winter, Tassie Mums have been running a COATS FOR KIDS 2023 campaign – collecting and distributing new or excellent condition second hand coats for children (including vests, jackets and raincoats).
To support this very worthy cause, DECYP’s Safeguarding Children and Young People team banded together and contributed almost 20 coats and jackets.
However, Tassie Mums still need almost 500 more to reach their target of 800 coats for kids!
While any coats are appreciated, they are particularly low in sizes 4, 5, 6, 10 and 12 (black or navy are best). Items that are new or in excellent condition are very welcome!
If you are able to help Tasmanian children in need by donating a coat or two,
Tassie Mums have drop-off points in Burnie, Ulverstone, Launceston, Lenah Valley, Lauderdale, Cambridge, Sandy Bay and Kingston.
If you would like to deliver to any of these points, you can message Tassie Mums on Facebook or email them for the address (as they often change).
If you are in, or close to, Hobart Parliament Square Building, you can drop them in to the Safeguarding team (Level 7, Parliament Square Building near 7.07) before COB Thursday, 15 June, who are happy to deliver them to Tassie Mums on behalf of the department.
Alternatively, you may wish to make an online tax deductible donation here, which includes a $30 option so a Tassie Mums volunteer can buy a warm winter coat for a child in need on your behalf!
If you have any questions about the Coats for Kids campaign or Tassie Mums, you’re welcome to contact Renee Jackson in the Safeguarding team.
Pop Up Book Stall Winter Opening Hours -June, July and August Open - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10.30 – 2.30pm (plus June long weekend)
Venue - Community Hall (former Council Chambers Building) Vicary St. Triabunna.
All proceeds are donated to community organisations and activities.
Enquiries: Chris 0458560753; Beth 0407571181; Judy 62571262 or 0438571262; email
Classes on Mondays from 4.30pm in Swansea Town Hall All ages, genders, shoe sizes welcome.
All enquiries phone Janelle 0437 264 332 gold coin donation.
Triabunna District School Association News
School Association News please see the link to attend the next meeting for our families who have older students attending Triabunna District School. This is a great new feature to have all families included in the association.
Triabunna District School Association held their annual AGM on the 30th of May 2023
Please welcome for 2023 The School Association Team
Anna Izzard Chairperson
Ben Allen Vice Chairperson
Melissa Quinn Secretary
Treasurer – Position Vacant
Lyn Deegan Community Rep.
Principal Erica Winger
Staff Rep Samara Mcconnon
Parent Representative Jessica Emmerton
Positions to be filled Treasurer, 2 Parent Representatives and 1 Community Rep if these roles are of interest to you the association would love to hear from you.
The space is for all families and we would love for you all to come along, every parent is already a part of the association, children welcome to attend if care is hard to sort.
The association is a great space to become engaged with your local school and be part of a great team.
A very big thankyou to Maggie Mars for her dedication to the committee as a Community Representative and along with her Treasury Role. On behalf of the association we wish her well into the future.
Remember it takes a village to raise a child
Next meeting 20th of June 4.30pm Triabunna District School or via the link below:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 499 426 374 455
Passcode: j9yxGF