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- From Kristy's Desk
- Kinder/Prep
- 1/2 Class
- 3/4 Class
- 5/6 Class
- Brights Sparks Competition
- 2023 Premier's Reading Challenge has now finished.
- End of Term 3 Assembly - Friday 29th September 2023
- Footy Colours Wednesday 27th September
- Free online workshop on how to learn more about scams and online safety
- 2023-2024 STAS Application Dates
- Worried about a loved one's drug or alcohol use?
- CBCA Design a Bookmark Competition 2023
- Little Swanport Oyster Farm Excursion Grade 3-6
- AFL Gala Day Grade 3-6
- Father's Day Breakfast
- Invite Operation Xmas Child
This fortnight, our teachers and students have been diligently preparing for the upcoming Student Led Conferences in Week 9, reflecting on students academic, social, and emotional growth this year. During our recent Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting on Wednesday, teachers collaborated to design and create a digital data wall. This tool allows us to take a deeper dive into individual student progress and identify the necessary supports to enhance and refine our class improvement plans and school-wide approaches. This data will prove invaluable in identifying strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and growth, serving as an effective resource for feedback, resource allocation, and the improvement of our teaching pedagogy and I am excited for how we can be creative and utilise this collective data tool.
I have been humbled by the enthusiastic response from our students, staff, and community members towards our upcoming 5/6 Canberra Trip. Both our students and staff are beaming with excitement, and we have been overwhelmed by the generosity and donations pouring in. The Cadbury’s chocolate boxes are selling quickly, and on behalf of the 5/6 cohort, I extend our heartfelt gratitude for your kindness and support as we embark on this incredible opportunity for our rural students. If you haven't had a chance to contribute yet or are eager to join our fundraising efforts, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you. It certainly takes a village to raise a child and we appreciate your contribution.
Kristy Hay
It has been an action packed fortnight! Here are a few highlights from the last two weeks...
Grade 3/4 have been very eagerly creating their Father's Day gifts. The watercolour project began some weeks ago, with a local excursion to the front beach. We have been using a variety of new skills with our laptop devices, and this has included taking photos and transferring them to a Word document to print. Once the images were chosen and printed, we sketched the outlines and then began to use watercolours to add features. The finsihed product was then framed and wrapped.
In additon to these beautiful paintings, the children met Nerilee from Maker's Leather Supply in Hobart who helped them to create beautiful leather keyrings to surprise their special people on Father's Day. Nerilee ran a beautiful worksop with some of our 3-6 students, which was then continued by teachers to include the grade 1/2 class. Students were delighted with their creations. Thank you so much Nerilee!
We were delighted to spend an afternoon with our dear Jean last Friday for a lovely afternoon tea. Students proudly shared some of their work with Jean, and look forward to reading sessions with her again in the future.
Our young mathematicians have been honing their problem solving skills this week, using a variety of strategies to show their working. Our focus has been sharing our thinking on how to solve a maths problem, using as many different ways as we can. Some of these include drawing a diagram, solving a simpler problem first or making a table.
See you next fortnight!

End of Term 3 Assembly - Friday 29th September 2023
1st September 2023
End of Term 3 Assembly
Friday 29th September 9.15am.
Dear Families
You are invited to Swansea primary School’s End of Term 3 Assembly.
The assembly will be held on Friday 29th September at 9.15am in the Swan Hall.
All families and volunteers are welcome.
Families that are unable to attend please see the link below.
Microsoft Teams meeting join on your computer or mobile app.
Hope to see you there.
Kind Regards
Kristy Hay
2023-2024 STAS Application Dates
Important reminder regarding the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS). Applications for STAS 2023 close on 7 September.
New applications will not be processed after this time and there will be no further assessments of existing applications.
Applications for STAS 2024 will open in early November 2023.
CBCA Design a Bookmark Competition 2023
Children's Book Week
Students were asked to design a bookmark that explores this year’s theme, “Read, Grow, Inspire”.
It was a very hard decision for the judges, all the entries were fabulous.
Congratulations to the lucky winners of this years Libraries Tasmania CBCA Design a Bookmark Competition.
The lucky winners will now have their winning entries sent to the statewide judging and the winning designs from this will be professionally printed and available at libraries statewide.
Good Luck Molly, Emmett & Georgia
Little Swanport Oyster Farm Excursion Grade 3-6
The shine shone brightly as Grades 3-6 eagerly boarded the bus to head south. The first stop on our itinerary was Freycinet Oysters at Little Swanport. Our grade 3's, Archie and Jorja headed over to the oyster nursery to find out where it all begins for these little creatures. Grades 4, 5 and 6 boarded the 2 boats with Joe and the crew to head up the Little Swanport River and see how oysters grow in the cages. Many of our students were keen to try an oyster, some not as much when they actually tasted it! Special thanks go out to Joe, Kadek and the team for having us and providing such a wonderful and informative excursion! We can't wait to visit again!

Back on the bus, and the next stop was the Triabunna oval for the AFL Gala Day, together with TDS and OPS.
Our students had a wonderful time learning new skills through activities and small games, while engaging with students from our neighbouring schools. This was followed up with a lovely BBQ lunch, cooked by members of the East Coast Rotary branch.
A big thank you goes out to AFL Tasmania and the HPE teachers for organising a wonderful event, and also Triabunna District School for purchasing the lunch ingredients. Thank you for a wonderful day!

Who says Dads can't play downball?
What an amazing turnout we had at our annual Father's Day Breakfast last week! We welcomed so many fathers, pops, stepfathers and special poeple. The downball skills were dusted off, the basketballs were bouncing and the bacon and egg rolls were super popular! Thank you to all of the adults who gave up their time to come and join us for this very special occasion! We hoped you enjoyed touring your child's classroom, your breakfast and your special day on Sunday!