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- From Kendal's Desk
- Launching into Learning
- Kinder-Prep Class
- Grade One and Two Class
- Grade 3/4/5 Class
- Grade 5-6 Class
- AIS Problem Solvers Program
- National Simultaneous Storytime 2024 - Bowerbird Blues
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Statewide Consultation on School Attendance
- Bike Education & Safety
- Pop Up Book Stall
- Red Shield Appeal
- Premier's Reading Challenge COMING SOON
- Safeguarding Children Training for all Service Providers and Volunteers
- Moderation Day - No School for Students
- SPSSA Div C Cross Country Grade 3 to 6 Students
- National Reconciliation Week
What a busy two weeks we have had! Our students (and staff) have been getting very active with four days of Bike Education and Safety last week followed by our Cross Country Carnival.
We are very lucky in Swansea to have Mr McGregor so close to us and be able to spend a lot of time with each of our classes for four days straight teaching them how to be safe cyclists in our community. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the challenges thrown at them from Mr Mac and it was so wonderful to see the connection between our students being increased with teamwork and watching out for others.
How great is it to be able to hold our Cross Country at such a wonderful and close location. To have our school out in the community for such a fun and active event, demonstrating respect for each other, courage in their participation and connection to our community makes me really proud. It was wonderful to have so many families come to watch and support the students too. We even attracted the attention of many tourists, with some giving us amazing and positive feedback. Congratulations everyone!
Wednesday we were involved in National Simultaneous Storytime. We decided to have our lunch together as a whole school and watch the online stream of Bowerbird Blues, which was read by author Aura Parker. The lyrical story follows the journey of a bowerbird on his quest for all things blue, all the while feeling something is amiss in his life, until he finds love and connection through friendship. The students were really engaged with the story, with some remaining behind to watch Aura Parker shown her artistic creation of a bowerbird.
This morning alongside our Brekky & A Book program we held our Volunteer and Community Thank You Breakfast. We have many wonderful volunteers who come into our school and also within our community, and as a school we love spending time with them. Thank you to each and everyone of you for giving up your time to help others, you are greatly appreciated.
Very soon students will start to bring home Evidence of Learning completed this term. Students will bring home two pieces of work each that has been assessed and given feedback by their teachers. Keep an eye out for these in communication pouches. Later this term we will hold our reporting (three-way) conversations – more details will be available soon.
As we enter the cooler terms at SPS, I need to remind families that students still need to be always wearing their full school uniform. This shows connection and pride, plus belonging. If necessary, students should be layering up underneath their school shirts eg. singlets, extra top, not over their uniforms. Our spaces all have heat pumps and are kept at a nice temperature to ensure we have comfortable learning spaces. If you need assistance with uniform, please reach out.
Thanks for your continued support,
Kendal King
What a fabulous turn out we had last week for our Play & Learn session! We had so much fun with the ball pit, tunnel, train set, scissor skills and more!
See you next week at Lady Gowrie, Tuesday 9:30am!

PREP MATHS...Measurement.
In Prep, we have been finding out about the language and uses of measurement. We have been ordering objects according to size and shape, using words like shortest, short, long, and longest or smallest, small, big, and bigger. By comparing and creating objects with different attributes we are learning to communicate our understanding of measurement.
Here are some photos of Prep students ordering and comparing different sized balls. We also went on a hunt for the narrowest and widest tree in the playground which we measured with our arms. we needed all the Prep students and Mr Green to find out how long the dragon on the fence was!

We Wonder |
How did the Aurora happen?- Lincoln Is it an alien invasion?- Abbey How did the aurora start?- Molly What else is up there?- Lucas Is there aliens up there?- Carlix Is there another one coming?- Max How does the aurora work?- Bella I wonder how the aurora works. – Noah I wonder about space tunnels.- Eli |
We Know |
Planets and stars.- Molly Milky Way and satellites are up in the sky- Abbey The world is spinning, the aurora stays in one place and it goes up and down so everyone in the whole entire world , in different countries gets to see it.- Matilda There is a giant whale that vomits the aurora.- Adele Lights are above us and clouds.- Piper The sun is up there and there is a whole universe. – Lincoln The aliens use the space junk to make something that makes yucky chemical colours and that is how the aurora works. - Rydae |
I saw it in the water.
I hear the waves crashing.
I smell the water.
I taste the salty water.
I feel the sand on my feet.
I see the aurora move in the air in rainbow colours.
I hear the wind in the air.
I smell my dogs and tea.
I feel the wind.
I see blue and green and pink
I hear smooth wind.
I feel the wind in the car window.
I see rainbow colours moving in the air.
I hear crickets chirping.
I taste dinner.
I feel tired and hungry.
I see lots of glowing lights drifting around the sky.
I hear crickets chirping loudly in my ear.
I smell minty breath floating in my nose trying to get out.
I taste the windy air float through the gaps of my cold teeth.
I feel happy and calm and nice and warm.
I see rainbows
I hear the wind blowing in the trees.
I feel Dad’s crayfish prickling my hand.
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may learn, involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin
We have been involved in such a huge variety of learning experiences this fortnight, that there are almost too many to write about, so I'll let the pictures do the talking this time! What a wonderful time of learning we have had, filled with joy and excitement.
See you next fortnight,
Mrs Sparshott

AIS Problem Solvers Program
"Students in Grade 3-6 were very excited to welcome Zana Evans a Professional Australian Cross Country Skiier back to Swansea Primary School. Students have been eagerly working on creating high performance sport centre for our community using Minecraft Education."

20 May 2024 - 30 May 2024
Statewide Consultation on School Attendance
Share your thoughts on school attendance
Help us better understand any barriers that may be in the way, and what supports are needed to help with getting to school.
The Department for Education, Children and Young People is doing statewide consultation on school attendance. 3P Advisory is independently running the consultation. Your answers are confidential, and you won’t be identified.
We want to hear from you. You can take part in an online survey, share or vote for suggestions, or join an online drop-in session via the 3P website. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
You can also share your thoughts about what you like or don’t like about our Every school day matters campaign.
As a parent or carer, please have your say. Please encourage your child/ren, too.
Every piece of feedback counts. Thanks for helping shape future DECYP initiatives, school-based engagement strategies and public awareness campaigns.
Open - Wednesday to Sunday 10.30 – 3pm (including Public Holidays)
Venue - Community Hall (former Council Chambers Building) Vicary St. Triabunna. All proceeds
are donated to community organisations and activities.
Enquiries: Chris 0458560753; Beth 0407571181; Margaret 0438606446; Caroline
0411895067; email
Swansea Primary School is taking part in the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal watch this space for upcoming events. If you would like to make a donation we have a tin on the front office counter.
Safeguarding Children Training for all Service Providers and Volunteers
Training in the form of an animated video is available for our volunteers and service providers. They must complete this before working with any children or young people this year.
The training for volunteers and service providers can be found at Safeguarding Training on the DECYP website.
SPSSA Div C Cross Country Grade 3 to 6 Students
06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024
Please remember to return permission forms.
06 Jun 2024
27 May 2024 - 03 Jun 2024
27 May 2024 - 03 Jun 2024
National Reconciliation Week is held from 27 May to 3 June. This year’s theme, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is ongoing.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is held from 27 May to 3 June to commemorate the dates of the 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo Decision.
Marking the start of Reconciliation Week is the National Day of Healing, formerly called Sorry Day. This day marks the Stolen Generations. On this day we remember the mistreatment against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. And it is a reminder of how we all must come together to do better, especially for our First Nations children and their communities.
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and this week is a reminder for us to explore how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia, and Lutruwita/Tasmania.
27 May 2024 - 03 Jun 2024