At Swansea Primary School our goal is always to provide the very best opportunities for all students. We are very pleased to announce the final staffing for 2020 as follows:
Kinder/Prep - Miss Kate Pearce and Mrs Diana Nunn (Kindergarten students will attend on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
Grade 1,2,3 - Ms Jo Calder (Monday, Thursday, Friday) and Mrs Bronwyn Brown (Tuesday, Wednesday)
Grade 4,5,6 - Mrs Sophie Wilson
Support Teacher – Mrs Diana Nunn
Art Teacher Assistant – Mrs Janine Gadd
Music - Miss Kate Pearce (Tuesday)
Health and Physical Education - Mrs Bronwyn Brown with Teacher Assistant Miss Rikki Murray (Monday)
Launching into Learning (LIL) and Learning in Families Together (LIFT) - Mrs Kristy Hay with Teacher Assistants Ms Beth Rowlings and Miss Rikki Murray (Monday 10.00-11.30am)
Literacy Leader - Ms Jo Calder
School Business Manager – Mrs Melissa Quinn
School Administration Clerk – Ms Beth Rowlings
School Chaplain - Elise Wells
School Psychologist - Amelia Vanderniet
Speech Pathologist - Ellie Monks
Social Worker (on call) - Kristy Pearce
Education Facility Attendants – Wayne Kean and Stuart Fox