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- Principal Report
- Launching into Learning
- Early Primary
- Middle Primary
- Upper Primary
- Young Archies Awards
- Student Led Conferences
- Moana Production Crew
- When Can My Child Come Back To School After Being Unwell ?
- Teaching the Magic Back Into Writing
- Father's Day Celebrations
- 100 Years of School Psychology in Tasmania
- Australian Teachers Aide Appreciation Week
- Indigenous Literacy Day
- 2D Shapes with Middle Primary
- Festival of Bright Ideas
- Quack Quack How Yum Is Pacific Black Duck!
- SPSSA Winter Carnival South Green Netball
- eSafety Month
- School Attendance
- Moana Ticket Sales
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey
- Early Years Wellbeing Survey-Rumble's Quest
- CBCA Book Week
- CBCA Book Week 2022 Bookmark Competition
- Sustainable Learning Kitchen Lunch Program
- East Coast Cluster Colour Run
- Healthy Tasmania Calendar
- Orford Fair Flyer
We’ve had a manic few weeks and there has been so much on including a visit from the RFDS aircraft simulator today, a perfect morning for a Father’s Breakfast and many, many Moana rehearsals. We ventured to the Town Hall today for the first time to check out the stage and equipment and to get our bearings.
There will be a few staffing changes for Term 4. We are excited to be welcoming back Mrs Gadd to the KP full time. Mr. Green will be reducing to one day a week, Mrs Wood will be reducing to three days in KP and running an Art inquiry across the school. Mrs Sparshott will be full time on the 123 and Mrs Sliskovic will be working with students from K-6 on their learning goals and specifically, literacy intervention, support and extension.
As the sun begins to shine and the UV rising, we will be asking students to wear hats during play times for the remainder of the year.
What a wonderful fortnight we've had in the middle primary class!
We welcomed Miss Hayley Spencer to our class on Monday. She has joined us for her final practical teaching experience prior to finishing her education degree at the end of this year. Hayley's sunny and caring personality have made her very popular amongst our children and we love having her with us. Hayley will spend Weeks 6 and 7 in the middle primary class and then return in Term 4.
Book week and the Colour Run were exciting for our children. It was fantastic to see everyone dressed up as their favourite characters. The Colour Run was a wonderful event again too. Children loved the vibrant colours and the joy of running the cross country at Spring Bay Mill... and the adults did too!
Our grade 3's have spent some time at the community hub with Steve, Pia, Craig (our local police officer) and Mrs Sparshott, working hard on the new nature play boardwalk. Students have gained many new skills in woodwork and teamwork, with progress coming along nicely!
Throughout their learning, students have been given many opportunities to share feedback woth each other. During our handwriting/phonics sessions, we continue to discuss the benefits of giving and receiving:
- Positive peer feedback
- Constructive peer feedback.
Students understand the importance of delivering their thoughts in a kind and respectful manner, sharing positive ideas and continually seeking ways to improve their own learning outcomes. As a result, students are proud of their work and share their learning with joy and wonderfully positive attitudes.
Well done Middle Primary, on a fantastic fortnight of learning!

Student Led Conferences |
We are excited to be conducting Student Led Conferences again this year. The feedback from families last year was overwhelmingly positive. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be sharing their 2022 personal learning journey and goals this year. Student Led Conferences are not a parent teacher meeting. They are run by the students as a way for them to communicate and celebrate their learning and at the same time help to foster student agency, ownership, growth and our feedback culture at Swansea Primary. Students collectively enjoy sharing their achievements and we would like to invite families to visit classrooms in Week 1 of Term 4. Monday 17th October sessions will be available between 3:00pm-4:30pm Tuesday 18th October sessions will be available between 3:00pm-4:30pm Wednesday 19th October sessions will be available between 1:30pm-4:30pm Sessions run for approximately 20 minutes. Please book your session via the link below. |
Material is busily being fed through the sewing machine to create costumes and back drops along with many hours of painting the sea is starting to be created with many colours of paint.
Watch this space!
Last Friday we had a wonderful Father's Day Breakfast, wishing all of our Dads, Grandads, Pops and Special People that share our lives, the most wonderful Father’s Day. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Father’s Day breakfast and Science Fair on Friday.
The SRC Students also had a wonderful pop up shop in the reading room with a wrapping station for all students to be able to go shopping for Father's Day.

Australian Teachers Aide Appreciation Week
Swansea Primary School would like to acknowledge our wonderful teacher aides that work with the students daily, ensuring they are reaching their potential in numeracy and literacy along with supporting students with their day to day tasks at school.
Indigenous Literacy Day celebrates and promotes the revitalisation and preservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

Middle primary took advantage of the beautiful weather last week to practise our 2D shapes outside. We are learning that 2D shapes have straight lines, corners and the similarities and differences between squares and rectangles. We are also looking at parallel lines and how these relate to our handwriting and our world.

The 456 class ventured to Hobart to celebrate National Science Week at the Festival of Bright Ideas at Princes Wharf 1.
Join the eSafety Commissioner this month in one of their free live webinars discussing the popular apps that your young person might be using. You will gain insight, knowledge and tools to help support your child to have safe and enjoyable online experiences. There will be several sessions run throughout August. Visit the eSafety website to reserve your space now:
Being at school is the best place for our kids. It’s where they learn and grow alongside their friends, and where they benefit the most.
The Department of Education’s School attendance campaign highlights the importance of regular school attendance.
The television commercial shows the benefits of attending school regularly. Going to school supports academic success. It also helps build important social skills, relationships and confidence.
What we do know is that every school day counts. Bright futures begin at school, so if your child is well enough to attend school, being in the physical school environment is the best place for them.
Moana Jr. Important Information TICKETS – BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Rehearsals are in full swing and we are excited to announce that tickets are selling fast! There will be two matinee performances and two evening shows as follows: Wednesday 28th September at 11am Wednesday 28th September at 6pm Thursday 29th September at 11am Thursday 29th September at 6pm The show runs for approximately an hour and a half with a ten minute interval. Tickets are $20 per seat and children under 5 are free. Seats can ONLY be purchased online via this link Swansea Primary presents Disney’s Moana Jr. | TryBooking A very big THANK YOU to Bernadette Haneveer and Susan Kean for the needlework, design and creation of our costumes. They really are amazing. Thank you to our families who have been practising lines or moves and helping characters learn their lines and songs. PLEASE help your child to practise their lines and songs for homework everyday! COSTUMES All performers will be required to wear black as a base layer, over which, their costumes will be worn. By Monday 18th September we are asking for all students to bring into school; black long pants and black long sleeve top. (Tops with print on can be worn inside out if necessary) As a second option, short sleeves and legs would be OK, but we would prefer long. Make sure clothing is named so it can be returned to families at the end of the performances. HAIR & MAKE-UP All performers will have basic hair and makeup provided on the night. It is all part of the excitement, however, if you do not wish for your child to have their hair or makeup done or they suffer from any skin allergies etc. please let the office know ASAP. PERFORMANCES On each day of the performances, students will arrive to school in their school uniform and get changed into their costume blacks. We will be walking to the Town Hall in our costume blacks, ready to put our costume layer, hair and makeup on at the Hall. On Tuesday 27th September we will be hosting a schools and community performance of Moana Jr. in the Town Hall. This is a full dress rehearsal. This is a closed event. Students will be walking to the Town Hall at 9am and returning by 2pm on each day. All students will be expected to be at the Town Hall at 5pm before the evening performances. They will need to have an early dinner prior to arriving at the Hall. Fruit and snacks will be provided throughout the evening for them to graze. BYO DEVICE – At your own risk We have decided that to help reduce the noise and to provide entertainment/activity for the students during the evening performances, they are permitted to bring along their own device at your own risk. This means, students will be responsible for the device they choose to bring and will only be able to watch and use the programs/apps they are allowed to view at school as this is a school event. Permission to bring a device is a family-based decision. We will bring along the school iPads and other activities for students to keep them entertained while backstage. AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSALS As we approach the performance dates, they will likely be additional rehearsals for particular characters after school at the Town Hall. You will be notified closer to the time if your child is required. We are all really looking forward to a fun evening! If you haven’t got your tickets yet – do so! It will be amazing. Regards,
Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey
Students in our school are taking part in the annual Student Wellbeing and
Engagement Survey.
The Survey will take place in Term 3, 2022 between 29 August 2022 and 23 September 2022.
The wellbeing of all students at Swansea Primary School is important to us. When young people feel safe, connected, and secure, they are more likely to engage in their learning.
This survey forms part of the Department’s Wellbeing for Learning - Child and
Student Wellbeing Strategy. It helps us get a picture of the current wellbeing of
our students, and what we can do to improve future wellbeing. The more
students who take part, the clearer our picture will be.
Please note: students’ answers are confidential. No one (including
school staff) will use the results to identify individual students.
Purpose of the survey
Young people’s sense of wellbeing is an important part of how they learn at
school. The purpose of the survey is to seek students’ views about their
wellbeing and their engagement with school. We encourage students in Years 4
to 12 to take part.
The information collected will help in many ways. For example, it will tell us that
a certain percentage of students feel like they receive the help they need. Or
that a certain percentage feel like they worry a lot. This information will help our
school, the Department of Education, and our school community to support
young people’s wellbeing.
What is the survey about?
The survey asks students about their:
· social and emotional wellbeing
· school relationships and engagement and learning in school
· physical health and wellbeing
· after school activities.
What is involved?
Students will fill out the survey on a device during class time. We will ask
students if they would like to take part, and they can choose to withdraw at any
If you do not want your child to participate, please complete the form at the end of this letter.
Will students’ information be kept confidential?
The Department takes measures to ensure students’ personal information and
their identities remain anonymous when participating in the survey. Participating schools with fewer than five (5) students undertaking the survey will not receive
a school report in order to protect the confidentiality of students.
What will happen if a student is distressed during or after the survey?
The survey questions are not expected to distress students. However, the survey
does include questions that ask about topics such as students’ happiness and
experiences of being bullied. Teachers will inform students that:
· if they find the survey uncomfortable or distressing, they should leave the
survey screen immediately
· that it is not compulsory to take part in the survey as a whole, and
· students may also skip individual survey questions if they wish.
Students may want to speak to an adult about concerns or issues raised and we
will support them with this.
What do I have to do?
If you agree for your child to take part in the wellbeing survey, you do not need to do anything. If you do not want your child to take part in the wellbeing survey, please complete the form attached and return it to the school by Friday 26th August. SWES.JPG
Where can I get more information?
More information about the survey can be found in the attached SWES_FAQs_for_Parents_and_Carers.pdf. This will include examples of the survey questions.
If you would like further information on the Student Wellbeing and Engagement
Survey, visit and search for “SWES” in the search bar.
This information can also be collected from the school.
For questions or concerns, or to view the questions, please email or contact our school office.
Early Years Wellbeing Survey-Rumble's Quest
Early Years Wellbeing Survey – Rumble’s Quest The wellbeing of all students at Swansea Primary School is important to us. Swansea Primary School is using the early years wellbeing survey Rumble’s Quest to survey students in Years 1–3 on their wellbeing. The survey will be undertaken between 29th August and 9th September 2022. This letter provides key information about the survey and answers some questions that you may have about why your child is participating in the survey. About Rumble’s Quest Rumble's Quest is an online game that has been designed to measure student wellbeing. Young people’s sense of wellbeing is an important part of their development and how they learn at school. The purpose of the survey is to seek students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. The information collected will help to inform work within our school around student wellbeing. What is the survey about? When children participate in Rumble’s Quest they complete fun challenges and answer questions about the way they experience the world. The survey asks young people questions to understand things such as their social and emotional wellbeing; school relationships and engagement and learning in school; physical health and wellbeing; and after school activities. Will my child be identified in the results of the survey? How will this look? Your child’s answers to the survey questions will be combined to give your child an overall wellbeing score, which your school principal will receive. Your child’s individual answers will be kept confidential and will not be accessed by your school principal. An exception to this is for answers related to the safety of your child, which may be flagged for the school principal or a person they choose to follow up. Who will know about my child’s wellbeing from the survey results? Only your school principal or a person they choose at the school can access your child’s overall wellbeing score. This is accessed through a secure login. The principal will discuss this information with the classroom teacher to help them to support the student’s wellbeing. What is involved in completing the survey? Teachers will arrange for students to undertake the survey during class time. It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Students will be free to withdraw at any time. It is not compulsory. What do I have to do? If you do not wish for your child to participate in the wellbeing survey, please complete the form attached and return it to the school by Friday 25th August. If you agree for your child to participate in the wellbeing survey, you do not need to do anything. Where can I get more information? More information about the survey, including examples of the survey questions, can be found in the attached If you would like further information about Rumble’s Quest, this can be found at or can be collected from the school. For questions or concerns that you may have, please call the office. |
Since 1945 the CBCA has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week.
Swansea Primary School celebrated the event with wonderful costumes and parading for our local community.

CBCA Book Week 2022 Bookmark Competition
To celebrate the 2022 Children's Book Council of Australia Book Week Libraries Tasmania have been running a Book Week Bookmark Competition. Children were asked to design a bookmark that explores this year’s theme, “Dreaming with eyes open…”
On Tuesday a lovely community member judged the Swansea Library entries and selected a winner from each category, not an easy task.
Congratulations to the following students who will now be in the running in the final draw.
The judges will decide the overall state-wide winner in each age category and they will have their design professionally printed and made available at all our libraries.
Abbey (4-6 age category)
Ruby (7-9 age category)
Chloe (10-12 age category)
All entries are on display in the library.
Good Luck!
Sustainable Learning Kitchen Lunch Program

Week 4 Sustainable Learning Restaurant (SLR-not MKR) - "Mousseurant"
A group of 2/3 students hit the ground running in the kitchen ready to create this weeks masterpiece.
With the boom box on high with the Moana soundtrack filling the kitchen, this created the conversation can we dance, sing and cook at the same time?
Cooper was the official count down machine giving all the chef's creating lunch the sense that they actually where participating in a live MKR show!
The discussion coming from the pastry chef's corner potentially was low scoring for presentation, as it was very tricky to get the chocolate mousse into the cups, without it lapping the side.
However 10 out of 10 for taste when taste was scored.
The group had many carrots to chop and peel along with many sausages to turn to make sure they all cooked evenly.
The front of house crew tried really hard to make sure everyone had a knife,fork and spoon along with a napkin and in the correct order.
A lovely touch from the front of house crew this week was placing fresh flowers on all tables in the restuarant.
The 2/3 students had started the process of cooking,serving,eating and cleaning up by the end of lunch many students where ready to hang that apron up and have a well deserved rest.
WELLDONE 2/3 students!