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- From Kendal's Desk
- Bike Safety Week
- It's Book Fair Time - Monday 20th of May
- Launching into Learning
- Kinder-Prep Class
- Grade One and Two Class
- Grade 3/4/5 Class
- Grade 5-6 Class
- Woodwork
- DECYP Reading Priority
- A note from the School Health Nurse
- Early Childhood Education National Workforce Census
- SunSmart Policy
- School Attendance Consultation
- St Johns First Aid in Schools
- Cross Country Carnival
- Safeguarding Children Training for all Service Providers and Volunteers
- Mother's Day
- Studiosity
- Do you have surplus of fresh fruit and vegetables in your garden?
- Community consultation - DECYP student residences
- National Simultaneous Storytime - Bowerbird Blues
- Join the TASSO Board
- Scholastic Book Club
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Pop Up Book Stall
Welcome back to Term 2! It has been fabulous to see all the students and staff returning with big smiles and ready to get stuck into teaching and learning.
Firstly, I must thank and congratulate both staff and students for their exemplary behaviour during our lockout and lockdown practice this morning. The response to notifications about the emergency event was very impressive and all our school knew exactly what to do and why they needed to do it. I am very confident that should we happen to have a real emergency situation our people would be very safe.
Secondly, I would like to thank all the students and families who attended the ANZAC Day service/s during the holidays. It was so lovely to have so many students represent our school with pride and respect. An extra thank you to Cooper and Ruby who were amazing flag masters, and to Emily, Harry and Georgia for laying the wreath at the 11am service on behalf of our school community.
On the final day of Term 1, we held our Swan v Oyster Carnival and what an incredible atmosphere that was! To have all the students cheering for their teammates, trying their hardest in all events, helping out with measuring and even cheering on the other team was just incredible. It really showed what an inclusive and respectful community we have here at SPS. It was lovely to have so many families in attendance too. Thank you to Miss Walch for organising such a fabulous event.
This term we have already had 18 of our students attend the Champions Athletics Carnival at the Domain in Hobart and they were amazing! The competition was very tough, and we are so proud of everyone as they rose to the challenge. We had many relay teams and individuals in finals and even had three of our students bring home ribbons in 400m finals (Georgia, Georgie and Charli)!
Next week we have exciting events each day. Monday through to Thursday we have our Bike Safety/Education sessions. Each class will have a minimum of 1 hour per day with Mr Mac learning vital skills to be safe when cycling. We encourage students to bring their own bikes and helmets for the week and these can be left safely at school if required. Then on Friday we have our Cross Country. We would love to see as many families meeting us at Jubilee Park as possible to see our students running from 11:15am.
Starting on Monday we are having to implement some school-based rules around trading cards (eg. Pokemon, AFL). These are becoming a distraction to students and causing some issues in the playground. As of Monday, students are no longer allowed to trade cards at school and cards can only be played with outside of class times (before school, recess and lunch). Students will be informed at our mini assembly today.
Thanks for your continued support,
Kendal King
Bike Safety Week Kinder to Grade 2
As a part of their learning next week, all students will participate in four bike safety lessons beginning on Monday 13th May until Thursday 16th May.
These lessons will take place in the school grounds each morning from 9:30am until 10:30am.
We are extremely lucky to have our students being led by Mr Chris McGregor, learning vital skills for safe usage of bicycles and maintenance.
Students are asked, if possible, to bring their own bikes and helmets to school to allow them to use equipment that is familiar to them. These can be safely stored at school for the four days if required.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office
Bike Safety Week Grade 3 to 6
As a part of their learning next week, all students will participate in four bike safety lessons beginning on Monday 13th May until Thursday 16th May.
Lessons from Monday to Wednesday will take place in the school grounds. Thursday’s lesson will see students riding safely around Swansea. Students will travel down Franklin St, Wellington St and Bridge St then return via the Esplanade and Franklin St. Students will be always accompanied by three adults.
The grade 3/4/5 class will have their lessons after recess, while the grade 5/6 class will have their lessons after lunch time.
We are extremely lucky to have our students being led by Mr Chris McGregor, learning vital skills for safe usage of bicycles and maintenance.
Students are asked, if possible, to bring their own bikes and helmets to school to allow them to use equipment that is familiar to them. These can be safely stored at school for the four days if required.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Please check, sign and return the permission form that has been sent home yesterday.
It's Book Fair Time - Monday 20th of May
The Book Fair is coming to Swansea Primary!
It will arrive on Monday the 20th of May amd will be here until Thursday the 30th of May.
Come on in and support our school whilst getting your hands on the best new children's books!
Kinder/Prep made hats we wrote about where we would wear them, it was a lot of fun wearing our hats. We also made a book about our hats.
It was Great!
We changed a piece of paper into different shapes – and considered what had changed and what stayed the same.
Then we investigated how far a piece of A4 paper will travel in different shapes: a flat piece of paper, a screwed up piece of paper and a paper airplane. We made predictions, recorded what we did using a table and evaluated our results. And we considered how we made it a fair test.
We also made a ball shooter and thought about the different forces we used to make it and use it.

Here is a link to a video intended for students and parents.
You can also access more information on our DECYP Reading Priority page:
A note from the School Health Nurse
Kindergarten health checks are offered to all kinder students at Swansea Primary School and are undertaken for all who provide written consent. These health checks support DECYP goal of ‘growth’ by way of vision, hearing and oral health screening to ensure students are best able to access and participate in early learning. They facilitate access and onward referral when necessary and with consent, to appropriate and accessible health care. It also enables the nurse to initiate and support activities to improve health literacy within families and the broader community.
Last term I completed all the Kindergarten Health Checks, which was a beautiful experience to witness the littlest students at school participate in and continue to develop their positive sense of self.
Early Childhood Education National Workforce Census
Over the course of next week, our school will complete the Early Childhood Education National Workforce Census.
Please see the below information to make yourself familiar with the process we will be undertaking.
Please find below a copy of our updated SunSmart Policy in line with the Cancer Council of Tasmania's school recommendations.
School Attendance Consultation
DECYP are currently doing statewide consultation on school attendance to better understand any difficulties being experienced and supports needed. Consultation is currently open. We want to hear from students, their families, our staff and anyone in the community. We’d appreciate you sharing your thoughts on school attendance, including:
- any barriers that may be in the way
- what supports are needed to help with getting to school.
This is independent consultation being run by 3P Advisory – your answers are confidential.
Take part in an online survey, share or vote for suggestions, or join an online drop-in session:
St Johns First Aid in Schools
The last week in Term 1 saw the whole school from Kinder to year 6 participate in the St Johns First Aid in Schools program. The program provides fun and informative activities and gives students the life skill of First Aid. Children are encouraged to act with confidence and help in the case of an emergency. The knowledge and skills gained in the First Aid in Schools Program develop First Aid awareness in school children and contribute to building a more resilient community.
Kinder – year 2 focused on: Checking for danger, Who can help, Calling an ambulance and Managing an unconscious patient.
Year 3 – year 6 covered: Checking for danger, Who can help, Calling an ambulance, Managing an unconscious patient and CPR and Defibrillation (AED) demonstration.
The students should be proud of themselves, they showed respect to Cheryl, the wonderful St Johns Ambulance facilitator and were engaged throughout the sessions.

The Cross Country Carnival for students in Kinder to Grade 6 will be held on Friday the 17th of May, starting at 11:15 am and concluding at approximately 1:30pm. The Cross Country Carnival will take place at Jubilee Park. Students will be required to walk to and from this venue.
Students are required to bring:
A packed lunch
- Plenty to drink
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- House colour t-shirts
- Appropriate running shoes
- Warm clothes for pre/post Cross Country run
Scheduled for the day:
- Normal Classes- 9:00am-10:40am
- Recess- 10:40am-11:00am
- Cross Country Carnival Commences – 11:15am
- Grade 6- 2.6km -11:15am
- Grade 5- 2.2km- 11:30am
- Grade 4 – 2.0km- 11:45am
- Grade 3 – 2.0km- 12:00pm
- Grade 2- 1:0km 12:15pm
- Grade 1- 1.0km 12:30pm
- Prep- 800m- 12:45pm
- Kinder- 800m- 1:00pm
- Presentation- 1:15pm
- Cross Country Carnival Concludes- 1:15pm
- Arrive back at school- 1:30pm
- Normal Classes- 1:30pm-2:45pm
*Times may vary on the day but as always, we will endeavour to stay on schedule.
As always, support from the wider school community, cheering all competitors on and helping with the coordination of the day helps make it a success. Please let me know if you are able to assist on the day – you are required to obtain a current working with vulnerable children card and also completed the mandatory DECYP safeguarding training.
Safeguarding Children Training for all Service Providers and Volunteers
Training in the form of an animated video is available for our volunteers and service providers. They must complete this before working with any children or young people this year.
The training for volunteers and service providers can be found at Safeguarding Training on the DECYP website.
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Do you have surplus of fresh fruit and vegetables in your garden?
Do you have surplus of fresh fruit and vegetables in your garden?
Swansea Primary School would love donations of fresh fruit and vegetables for our daily, healthy fruit and veg brain break for students to enjoy!
If you garden or fruit trees are bursting with produce the school office is kindly taking donations.
Community consultation - DECYP student residences
At the Department for Education, Children and Young (DECYP), we are committed to making sure that our student residences are a quality supported accommodation option for students attending years 11 and 12 at college in Burnie, Launceston or Hobart.
We are currently seeking stakeholder feedback about the DECYP student residences. We have contacted all students (and their parents/carers) who are currently living in a residence.
We are seeking your support to reach prospective families who may be considering a residence for their child in future. We want to hear what they are expecting and hoping for when they consider the move to a student residence.
Could you please share the survey with your school community?
It is anonymous and should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
The survey closes on 31 May 2024.
Any community members who have feedback about the student residences can also speak with someone from our team (please phone 6165 6466 to arrange), or in writing by emailing
Thank you for your assistance in reaching your school community.
20 May 2024 - 30 May 2024
Open - Wednesday to Sunday 10.30 – 3pm (including Public Holidays)
Venue - Community Hall (former Council Chambers Building) Vicary St. Triabunna. All proceeds
are donated to community organisations and activities.
Enquiries: Chris 0458560753; Beth 0407571181; Margaret 0438606446; Caroline
0411895067; email